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上年八月打籃球斷咗前十字韌帶,十一月先做手術,想搵個幫到我快啲康復嘅物理治療師。咁啱係instagram見到Oscar對前十字韌帶同阿基里斯嘅物理治療,發現佢對呢類嘅康復進度都好快同好好,就決定手術之前去睇下。 當時prehab 都比咗唔少意見我,亦提醒我術後rehab先係重點 。而我術後都跟足Oscar指示,rehab 好快!已經脫拐回復正常生活,但要重返運動 。 Osacr同體能教練Zack會隨住我進度去set program比我,要多謝返佢哋! 而每一次去Oscar到會follow up我康復進度,仲會用運動Chur爆我!除咗透過運動治療加強返, Osacr會配合針灸同手法幫我消腫同放鬆 。而唔係傳統咁用機打打打,令我更加感受到Oscar嘅細心! 重返運動之前,Osacr會要求我做一啲test ,包括肌力跑跳急停轉向平衡等, 用數據分析我係咪可以重返運動或者有咩需要加強返 。 係Oscar每星期一次嘅督促同照料下,經佢許可我已經可以第五到六個月重返籃球練習! 係第八到九個月已經可以回復競爭性! 進度比我預期中快, 效果亦都好好, 感受到各方面有所提升! 感激Osacr每一次細心嘅物理治療, 令我可以重返運動!

經過Oscar細心、有耐性同專業既治療,再教導好多運動預防受傷及強化肌肉,幫到我在ACL手術後得到強大嘅支援,短短3個月時間身體已經康復好多。衷心感謝Oscar及其團隊既幫助 極力推薦Oscar及其團隊

Great service overall! Personally, I have been to several physiotherapists in both Hong Kong and Toronto but unlike any other physiotherapist, Oscar actually cares about his patients! He’s willing to thoroughly explain the rehabilitation process and will go out of his way to understand his patients exercise habits, ensuring each patient walks out of the clinic pain free at the end of the session by any means. He will also provide extra resources if necessary, video recordings of exercises, rehab products, rehab workout routine… etc. I had my ACL reconstructed on my right knee and with Oscar’s care, I was able to perform single leg hops and some light running in a mere 2 months of rehab. Not to mention he also treated my lifter’s elbow! I’m 90% recovered after just 3 sessions and can comfortable lift without any pain on my triceps, and my PR on bench went from 90kg to 110kg??!! 😂 Thank you Oscar! For anyone that’s looking for a physiotherapist, 10/10 I would recommend Oscar! Best physiotherapist in Hong Kong for its price and service!

Oscar 好專業,好清楚康復者既問題,亦提供好好既復康訓練,加快康復進度

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